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Hill County Health Consortium

The purpose of the Hill County Health Consortium is, as our logo says, A Partnership for a Healthy Community. A consortium brings together key stakeholders, organizations and other community partners.  Our goal is  to have a healthy, happy community that has the opportunities and  assets needed to be successful.  The Consortium has been instrumental through the years in many important community projects such as the Bull Hook Health Center, Bike Racks in the downtown area, the walking trails map that can be picked up at the Chamber, Central Montana Transit, Mental Health First Aid, Suicide Awareness Walk, the list goes on and on. It is very exciting to see all the positive work that has come out of the Consortium. Join the Hill County Health Consortium, and see the scope of work that can be done by a group of community minded partners.

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Havre, MT 59501
(406) 265-6206

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